Wildlife park 3 completo
Wildlife park 3 completo

In the culture of 14 samples with LST, 13 (92.8%) presented bacterial growth compatible with M. Of the 21 samples, 14 (66.7%) presented LST with a granulomatous appearance, a whitish coloration, and caseous or calcified consistency, and seven samples (33.3%), showed no lesions. After DNA extraction from the bacterial colonies, PCR was performed for targets flanking the region of differentiation 4 (RD4).

wildlife park 3 completo

Retropharyngeal and submandibular lymph nodes and viscera were collected from 21 animals, which were grown in Stonebrink medium for up to 90 days. After the interdiction of the safari park by the state veterinary authorities, 281 deer were euthanized with the authorization of the “Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis” (IBAMA). Some animals died and showed lesions suggestive of tuberculosis (LST), which were confirmed by histopathology.

wildlife park 3 completo

Sambar ( Cervus unicolor), red deer ( Cervus elaphus) and fallow deer ( Dama dama) from a safari park in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, showed a clinical condition of dyspnea and weight loss. In captivity, for wild animals, bTB represents a risk to animal keepers and zoo visitors, in addition to the possibility of spreading the infection to domestic animals or through the trade of infected wild animals. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis, affecting domestic animals, wild animals and humans.

Wildlife park 3 completo